
Monday 12 March 2012


Hari ni saya nak cerita pasal Jun, seorang ibu yang dulu risau sangat pasal anaknya, Intia, berumur 11 tahun, tidak mempunyai selera makan.Intia mempunyai masalah injap pada jantung... Sebab tu doktor kata sukar nak naik berat badan...

Mungkin pernah saya buat entry ni dulu, tapi hari ni nak share kata-kata Jun pulak...  Jun telah mencuba banyak jenis vitamin untuk anaknya tetapi tidak ada perubahan.. Bila Jun minta pendapat saya, saya pun rekomenlah berbagai jenis vitamin termasuklah B complex, multivitamin, ESP dan Meal shake... Antara semua ni, Intia hanya suka minum mealshake... Katanya sedap...

Dan paling penting selera makan Intia telah meningkat.....

Ini kata-kata Jun....



Apa mealshake ni? Ni rupanya canisternya..

MEALSHAKE untuk kanak-kanak 1 tahun keatas
Juga sesuai buat kita yang dewasa

Ni pasal MealShake, dipetik dari Shaklee web site:-

With their on-the-go lives, kids don't  always have time for a sit-down meal. That's why they need fast food options that are also good for them — choices like low-fat, low-glycemic Shaklee® Meal Shakes. These great-tasting, easy-to-mix drinks pack extra nutrition into any meal or snack. They provide 19 essential vitamins and minerals, and they’re a rich source of calcium and an excellent source of protein — the fundamental nutrients that growing kids and teens need to stay strong and healthy.

Whats good about it.... 6 amazing facts worth to know.....

  • Complete Nutrients - Provides 24 types of A to Z essential vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. Deficiency in trace minerals will affects the absorption of vitamins and causes inactive enzymes. It also contains soy lecithin that works hand-in-hand with fat soluble vitamins.
  • Supplies Key nutrient to cells - Rich in protein (contain no lactose) that helps in forming skin, nails, hair, organs, blood, immunised cells etc.
  • Aids in Growing Up - Contains folic acid, biotin, rich in calcium and magnesium that are needed for building bones and cells in the growing up process.
  • Anti-Oxidants - Contains vitamins A, C, E, zinc, selenium which are the anti-oxidant components for anti-ageing.
  • Restore skin complexion - Contains complete vitamin B-Complex, iron, copper to form healthy red blood cells, thus improves the skin colour complexion. Detoxification - Rich in soluble fibre that helps the (peristalsis of colon and stomach/bowel movement) to excrete excess fat and waste from the colon and stomach.
  • Great Taste for young and old - Delicious drink with natural fructose; quick replenishment of the necessary nutrients for the body; contain no artificial colouring and artificial sugar.
Nak baca testimoni lagi pasal MealShake? KLIK DISINI

Itulah cerita untuk hari ni.. Kalau anda juga risau tentang pemakanan anak atau diri anda sendiri, bolehlah cuba Meal Shake.. Mungkin membantu...
Nak lebih info atau nak beli produk Shaklee, hubungi saya:-

SMS: 0122395501
atau Add saya di facebook: JULIE MAURYN GUMPIL 
Salam Sayang dari Heathy by NAture...

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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