
Wednesday 9 November 2011


Sekiranya anda ingin hamil, 5 perubahan dari segi diet perlu dibuat. (Ini adalah merujuk kepada 5 perkara tersebut adalah:



 1. Baiki diet anda - Untuk lelaki atau pun perempuan, permakanan adalah berkaitan dengan kesuburan. Diet yang seimbang perlu untuk meningkatkan peratus untuk hamil.


2. Beberapa yang perlu diketepikan - kurangkan pengambilan alkohol, caffeine, ikan yang mengandungi kandungan merkuri yang tinggi seperti shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish, juga makanan yang diproses atau diasap(smoked) atau mentah. Contohnya seperti hot dog.


3. Makan vitamin-mineral supplement - Walaupun anda dapat memenuhi keperluan nutrisi, ramai pakar pakar berpendapat 'even the healthiest eaters can use extra help'. Kadang-kadang sukar untuk memenuhi pemakanan seimbang apabila kita sibuk dengan keluarga, kerja dan lain-lain. Untuk Vegetarian, Vitamin D and B12 supplements perlu untuk mendapat tambahan sumber protin.


4. Makan Folic Acid sekurang-kurangnya 400mg sehari - ini telah dibuktikan dapat merendahkan risiko birth defects seperti spina bifida, dan yang berkaitan dengannya untuk mengurangkan serangan jantung, strok, cancer dan diabetes.


5. Dapatkan berat badan yang ideal - Mungkin perlu kurangkan berat atau naikkan berat untuk mengurangkan komplikasi semasa mengandung dan beranak. 


Berkenaan dengan vitamin dan Mineral, hasil dari pembacaan, saya senaraikan vitamin yang sesuai diambil untuk sesiapa yang ingin hamil. Ini adalah dipetik dari

1.  Folic acid - untuk kurangkan birth defects

2. B6 (up to 50mg/day) and  (up to 50mcg/day): - untuk meningkatkan kesihatan produktiviti. B6 meningkatkan kesuburan wanita dan B12 dapat membantu masalah sperma rendah.

3. Vitamin C (1,000mg/day) - kekurangan antioksidan ini akan menyebabkan sperma melekat antara satu sama lain ('clump together'). Ini keadaan yang tidak diingini untuk hamil. Vitamin C juga didapati dapat membantu meningkatkan peratus untuk hamil. Ianya salah satu kandungan didalam ubat kesuburan 'clomiphene'.

4.  Zinc (15 – 30mg/day) - penting untuk maintain pengeluaran testosterone pada lelaki. Juga boleh mempenggaruhi 'sperm count and motility'. Pada wanita, membantu tubuh badan dalam pengunaan estrogen and progesterone yang lebih effektif.

5. Selenium (55 – 100mcg/day) - Antioksidan yang membantu melindungi tubuh badan dari radikal bebas. Juga dapat mengurangkan 'birth defects', meningkatkan 'sprem count' bagi lelaki yang bermasalah.

6. Vitamin E (15mg/day) - Salah satu vitamin yang disertakan apabila menjalani program kesuburan 'Vitro Fertilization'. Juga sebagai antioksidan.

Shaklee mempunyai vitamin yang tersenarai diatas. Shaklee sesuai untuk anda yang ingin hamil kerana ianya sumber semulajadi dan bukan sintetik. Vitamin yang berkenaan adalah Vita Lea Iron formula, Vitamin B Complex, Sustained Release Vitamin C, Zinc Complex dan Vitamin E Complex.


Berikut adalah petikan dari, yang telah saya petik untuk entry ini.

Trying to conceive? Five changes to make to your diet now

Improve your diet

For both men and women, food and fertility are linked. You need to stick to a balanced diet to boost your chances of conceiving and of having a healthy baby.

Eat several servings of fruit, vegetables, grains such as whole wheat bread, and calcium-rich foods such as yogurt, cheese, and milk every day.

Certain vitamins and nutrients — such as vitamins C and E, zinc, and folic acid — are important for making healthy sperm.

Not getting enough nutrients can affect your periods, making it difficult to predict when you ovulate. And you may not ovulate at all if you've lost a drastic amount of weight or are obese.


What to avoid

If your eating habits leave something to be desired — and many people's do — you'll have to make some adjustments. Some solid advice: Cut out or only occasionally drink alcohol. Stop using recreational drugs and, if you smoke, quit. All of these substances and habits can harm a developing fetus.

You may also want to cut back on caffeine. The research on whether caffeine can affect fertility is mixed. Experts generally agree that low to moderate caffeine consumption, less than 300 mg a day or about the equivalent of three cups of coffee, won't affect your fertility, but your doctor may recommend that you cut caffeine out entirely to play it safe.

Although fish is generally very healthy, certain types are high in mercury, which can be dangerous to your unborn baby. Because mercury can accumulate in your body and linger there for more than a year, it's best to avoid high-mercury fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish while you're trying to conceive. Instead, eat lower-mercury fish such as salmon and canned light tuna once or twice a week.

Processed meats should be consumed in small amounts, and smoked or raw meats should be avoided entirely during pregnancy. Even hot dogs or deli meats should be heated until they are steaming before you eat them if you are pregnant.

Take a vitamin-mineral supplement.

Although you can meet almost all of your nutritional needs through a balanced diet, many experts believe that even the healthiest eaters can use extra help. You may find it particularly hard to eat well when you're at work or parenting other children, so taking a prenatal vitamin ensures that you're getting enough folic acid and other nutrients to boost your chances of conceiving.

Remember that a supplement is a safeguard, not a substitute for a sound diet. And since regular over-the-counter multivitamins may contain megadoses of vitamins and minerals that could be harmful to a developing baby. Those who consume a vegetarian diet may also need Vitamin D and B12 supplements in addition to extra protein. Talk with your doctor about the right prenatal supplement for you.


Get lots of folic acid — at least 400 micrograms a day.

This vitamin has been proven to reduce a baby's risk of neural-tube birth defects such as spina bifida, and it is linked to a lower incidence of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and diabetes.

Most women of child-bearing age should get 400 micrograms (mcg) daily, the equivalent of 0.4 milligrams (mg), according to the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). If you have a family history of neural-tube birth defects or take medication for seizures, your doctor may suggest that you boost your daily intake to 4,000 mcg, or 4 mg, starting at least a month before you conceive and continuing throughout your first trimester.

A good over-the-counter prenatal vitamin should contain more than the minimum recommendation of folic acid, between 600 and 800 mcg — what you'll need during pregnancy. In addition, you can eat folate-rich foods, such as dark green leafy vegetables like spinach or kale, citrus fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains, and fortified breads and cereals. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, so your body will flush out the excess if you consume too much. But there's a downside to being water-soluble, too. You can lose a lot of this vitamin in cooking water, so steam or cook vegetables in a small amount of water to preserve the folate.

For some women, there's an exception to this rule: Getting too much folate may hide a B-12 deficiency, which is sometimes a problem for vegetarians. Ask your doctor or midwife if you think you may be at risk.


Find your ideal body weight.

Shedding some pounds, or gaining a few if you're underweight, while you're attempting to get pregnant is a good idea, since you want to be as close as possible to your recommended weight when you conceive. Being over- or underweight can make it harder to get pregnant. Also, overweight women have more pregnancy and birth complications, and underweight women are more likely to have a low-birth-weight baby.

Ini pula dari berkenaan vitamin dan mineral.

Even before you get pregnant, it is important to start paying attention to your intake of vitamins. Receiving the proper daily amount of these will help ensure that your body is functioning to the best of its ability. Additionally, certain vitamins and minerals have been found to be especially beneficial in aiding fertility.

What To Get Lots Of
  • Folic Acid (400mcg/day): Over and over again, women are told to take folic acid to help prevent birth defects, but did you know that you should start taking folic acid as soon as you start thinking about getting pregnant? In addition to helping prevent serious birth defects like spina bifida, it has also been shown to improve fertility. But it’s not just women who need to up their intake, men also need folic acid to maintain the quality and number of their sperm. Dark green leafy vegetables, like spinach and broccoli, are a great source of folic acid.

  • B6 (up to 50mg/day) and B12 (up to 50mcg/day): Along with folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12 help make up part of the B-complex family. All of these vitamins are essential to good reproductive health. B6 in particular has been shown to increase fertility in women, while B12 helps men with low sperm counts.

  • Vitamin C (1,000mg/day): Lack of this antioxidant can cause sperm to clump together, obviously not ideal behavior for sperm when you’re trying to conceive. Men who smoke can really benefit from increased amounts of vitamin C. Since the chemicals found in cigarettes eventually make their way into semen (which is why it is best to quit when you want to get your partner pregnant), the antioxidant properties in vitamin C help to neutralize these chemicals. A study done on male smokers found that an intake of 500mg of vitamin C decreased the amount of clumping and abnormally shaped sperm as well as improved the men’s sperm count, motility and viability. Vitamin C has also been found to help women on the fertility medication clomiphene increase their chances of conceiving. Citrus fruits and juices are a fantastic source of vitamin C (one medium orange contains 70mg), as are sweet peppers (half a cup of red peppers has 142mg), broccoli (a half cup contains 62mg) and strawberries (five have 51mg). However, because so much vitamin C is recommended to aid in fertility, it might be a good idea to complement your dietary intake with a supplement.

  • Zinc (15 – 30mg/day): This mineral is important for maintaining the production of testosterone in men. Low levels of zinc can also affect sperm count and motility. In women, zinc helps the body use estrogen and progesterone more efficiently. Meat and seafood are the best sources of this mineral but it can also be found in whole grains and wheat germ.
    As important as this mineral is, it’s vital that you don’t take too much. High levels of zinc can be toxic as well as counterproductive in your efforts to aid conception. A well-balanced diet is usually sufficient to maintain zinc levels. However, if you are thinking of taking a zinc supplement, consult your doctor first so that you can be sure you receive the correct amount.

  • Selenium (55 – 100mcg/day): An antioxidant that helps protect the body from free radicals, selenium can help minimize the risk of birth defects as well as increase sperm counts in men with a low sperm count. Some good sources of selenium include red meat, tuna, chicken, and enriched pasta and whole grain breads.

  • Vitamin E (15mg/day): Although experts aren’t sure why, vitamin E has been found to aid in conception. Men often receive vitamin E when their partners are undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment. Increasing the intake of this antioxidant has been found to increase a couple’s chances of IVF being successful by 10%. However, this vitamin should not be taken if you are using anticoagulants. You should always check with your doctor if you plan to exceed 500mg/day. Wheat germ oil is an excellent source of vitamin E (one tablespoon will provide you with your total daily intake) as are almonds and sunflower seeds and oil. Broccoli and spinach also provide some vitamin E.

Sekali lagi:

 Shaklee mempunyai vitamin yang tersenarai diatas. Shaklee sesuai untuk anda yang ingin hamil kerana ianya sumber semulajadi dan bukan sintetik. Vitamin yang berkenaan adalah Vita Lea Iron formula, Vitamin B Complex, Sustained Release Vitamin C, Zinc Complex dan Vitamin E Complex.

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Salam Sayang dari Healthy by Nature

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