
Saturday 22 October 2011


Dalam kehidupan seorang wanita biasa, walau bagaimana sekali pun cara hidupnya, saya yakin, sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam hidupnya beliau akan mengambil supplements. Bilakah waktu tersebut?

Ya, waktu mengandung.
Sebab apa? Tidak dinafikan, kita pasti risau akan kesihatan & perkembangan bayi di dalam perut. Di peringkat awal terutama trimester 1, vitamin yang tak boleh tinggal dan sangat-sangat penting ialah asid folik. Bila masuk trimester 2, fokus pada kalsium pulak. Bila masuk trimester 3, sibuk tambah Omega (Fish Oil) supaya otak bayi dapat terbentuk dengan baik (dengan kata lain, nak anak jadi bijak!), sesambil kawal kolesterol dalam badan sendiri.

Kepentingan Omega dipetik dari


Why is taking Omega-3 especially important during pregnancy?

Omega-3s have been found to be essential for both neurological and early visual development of the baby. However, the standard western diet is severely deficient in these critical nutrients. This omega-3 dietary deficiency is compounded by the fact that pregnant women become depleted in omega-3s, since the fetus uses omega-3s for its nervous system development. Omega-3s are also used after birth to make breast milk. With each subsequent pregnancy, mothers are further depleted. Research has confirmed that adding EPA and DHA to the diet of pregnant women has a positive effect on visual and cognitive development of the child. Studies have also shown that higher consumption of omega-3s may reduce the risk of allergies in infants.
Omega-3 fatty acids have positive effects on the pregnancy itself. Increased intake of EPA and DHA has been shown to prevent pre-term labor and delivery, lower the risk of pre-eclampsia and may increase birth weight and gestational weight. Omega-3 deficiency also increases the mother's risk for depression. This may explain why postpartum mood disorders may become worse and begin earlier with subsequent pregnancies.


Is it safe to take Fish Oil during pregnancy?

Quality fish oil is safe to take during pregnancy. Fresh fish (that is eaten) can often contain environmental toxins like mercury that accumulate during its life span. These toxins can be virtually eliminated during the manufacture and processing of fish oil, with the use of high quality raw materials and an advanced refining process.
Some brands of fish oil are of higher quality than others. A reputable fish oil manufacturer should be able to provide documentation of third-party lab results that show the purity levels of their fish oil, down to the particles per trillion level.

Jadi, perlukah makan supplements sewaktu mengandung?

Sejujurnya, pada saya, perlu sangat. Terutama kalau diet harian tidak lengkap. Apatah lagi kalau asyik muntah-muntah tak lalu nak makan, minum susu tak boleh sebab tekak loya sangat, dan kalau berselera makan pun, akan makan lauk yang sedap di tekak sahaja, walaupun makanan tersebut tidak seimbang/ mencukupi khasiatnya. Di sinilah peranan pemakanan tambahan (supplements).

Supplements yang penting sepanjang mengandungkan bayi ialah:

  • Vita-Lea Iron Formula (Shaklee Multi Vitamin)
  • B-Complex (Lengkap dengan 8 kumpulan B, termasuk Asid Folik)
  • Vitamin-C (kandungan vit C bagi setiap biji ialah 500mg)
  • OsteMatrix (Shaklee Calcium-Magnesium)

Apabila kandungan sudah masuk trimester kedua, terutama selepas masuk 5-6 bulan, boleh tambah dengan,

  • OmegaGuard

Supplements lain yang mungkin anda boleh amalkan terutama jika selalu lemah dan tidak bertenaga ialah,

  • Energizing Soy Protein

Cubalah selama sebulan, dan rasailah perbezaannya. Owh ya, bila dah ambil set ini, hentikan dahulu apa jua supplements lain yang anda sedang ambil ya.

(Dipetik dari blog anakkuwiraku)

-On Jul 20, 2010, at 9:08 AM, “ashrin” <norashrin@xxx> wrote:
Dear Arnie,
Thanks, I dah receive the free nutriferon and vit casing tu. Badan pun rasa bertambah cergas berbanding sebelum ni, surprisingly dalam keadaan 7 bulan pregnant ni I can still mendaki bukit to Tasik Dayang Bunting during our holiday to Langkawi last week successfully, penat tu penat la tapi sekejap je….memang tak sangka…

Interested? Please, contact me tru Personal message at Facebook or email me at Thank you and have a 'Green Day'....

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